www.gryphel.com/c/sw/sysutils/netcnfg - feedback

Internet Config

hosted by the Gryphel Project


internetconfig-202.zip (180K) Internet Config 2.0.2 repackaged into a zipped hfs disk image and checksum file. The disk image can be mounted with Mini vMac.
internetconfig-202.sit (180K) Internet Config 2.0.2 in the original format.

copyright: Peter N. Lewis, Quinn "The Eskimo!"
mod date: Aug 4, 1998
license: Public Domain
from url : Stairways Files

Central preferences database for Internet applications. “Requires System 7 or later”. Official website (but not download site) is “http://www.anarchistturtle.com/Quinn/Config/”.


Download Programmer”s Kit

ICProgKit2.0.2.dsk.zip (553K) Internet Config 2.0.2 Programmer”s Kit repackaged into a zipped hfs disk image and checksum file. The disk image can be mounted with Mini vMac.
ICProgKit2.0.2.zip (623K) Internet Config 2.0.2 Programmer”s Kit in the original format.

Download Application Source

ICAppSourceKit2.0.2.dsk.zip (262K) Internet Config 2.0.2 Application Source repackaged into a zipped hfs disk image and checksum file. The disk image can be mounted with Mini vMac.
ICAppSourceKit2.0.2.zip (283K) Internet Config 2.0.2 Application Source in the original format.

If you find these downloads useful, please consider helping the Gryphel Project, which hosts them.

gryphel logo, 1K

Here are the md5 checksums for the downloads, signed with Gryphel Key 5:

--------- GRY SIGNED TEXT ---------

550d5885777f85ce7b8035e08553ee5b internetconfig-202.zip
9e6895b6e02a1590fb34bb739c3b79b9 internetconfig-202.sit
16e9a094a9e7f8298eee2344217ec553 ICProgKit2.0.2.dsk.zip
4d4621bf2ebc8299940d331336ec5db6 ICProgKit2.0.2.zip
a68bf69d6bc3407bf6f1f650eed65569 ICAppSourceKit2.0.2.dsk.zip
6a914cd33fcef92096b25641897ff9bf ICAppSourceKit2.0.2.zip

------- BEGIN GRY SIGNATURE -------
-------- END GRY SIGNATURE --------

www.gryphel.com/c/sw/sysutils/netcnfg - feedback
copyright (c) 2016 Paul C. Pratt - last update 8/5/2016