www.gryphel.com/c/sw/math/grafeq - feedback


hosted by the Gryphel Project


grafeq115.zip (115K) GrafEq 1.15 repackaged into a zipped hfs disk image and checksum file. The disk image can be mounted with Mini vMac.
grafeq115.sit.hqx (156K) GrafEq 1.15 in the original format.

copyright: Pedagoguery
mod date: Nov 12, 1998
license: shareware
official url : Pedagoguery Software Downloads

"For graphing, and otherwise exploring, mathematical relationships." For "System 6 or 7".


If you find these downloads useful, please consider helping the Gryphel Project, which hosts them.

gryphel logo, 1K

Here are the md5 checksums for the downloads, signed with Gryphel Key 5:

--------- GRY SIGNED TEXT ---------

aab0ab611469498382cc966a36f31a30 grafeq115.zip
3a161f670d1613e85b99c56973cf3de5 grafeq115.sit.hqx

------- BEGIN GRY SIGNATURE -------
-------- END GRY SIGNATURE --------

www.gryphel.com/c/sw/math/grafeq - feedback
copyright (c) 2015 Paul C. Pratt - last update 9/21/2015